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23rd May 2024

Rishi Sunak asks Welsh voters if they’re looking forward to the Euros before being told they haven’t qualified

Callum Boyle

Rishi Sunak Wales

A man of the people

Rishi Sunak scored a major own goal as he asked Welsh voters if they were looking forward to the Euros – even though Wales haven’t qualified.

Sunak has begun his campaign trail ahead of the general election on July 4 and went to a brewery in Barry, South Wales.

While there, Mr Sunak asked if Wales’ Euro 2024 campaign would help to bring in extra revenue, one of the staff members corrected him to say that they lost to Poland in March’s play-off final.

“So are you looking forward to the football, to get people in? There’ll be people coming in, it will be a big summer of sport”, he said.

One staff member then jumped in and said “Only if you support England!”

After an awkward pause, the prime minister then tried to brush off the embarrassing moment by claiming the hospitality sector was one the conservatives supported.

His rival, Sir Keir Starmer, meanwhile gave a campaign speech in Kent and said it was an opportunity to “turn the page”.

He said: “This election is about a choice: Two different countries, two different futures.

“Decline and chaos continuing under the Tories, or rebuilding our country under Labour. The power of the vote is with you. If you want change, you have to vote for it.

“And if you vote Labour, it is a vote to stop the chaos, it is a vote to turn the page and it is a vote to rebuild our country together.”

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