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Fitness & Health

03rd Jun 2015

5 easy ways to clean up your diet for Summer

You won't be able to hide that winter belly forever...

Ben Kenyon

You’ve probably heard the Insta-slogan ‘eat clean, stay lean’ a million times.

Well you’d better make that a million and one, because it’s spot on.

If you’re anything like the JOE team, you’ve probably been laying away the comfort food over the winter and got yourself a nice little paunch to keep you warm.

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Well spring’s here now which means summer’s just around the corner – and you’re not going to need that extra layer of insulation on the beach.

It’s probably time to give your diet a bit of a spring clean.

Here are five easy ways that you can start eating clean…

1. Ditch the simple sugars

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If you do anything to clean up your diet, then this should be it. Ditch the sweet stuff.

Sugar is just empty calories that will give you a quick boost of energy then make you slump like a Eurozone economy. Plus you’ll pile on the weight and body fat.

So try and get as many simple sugars out of your diet as possible – that means none in your tea, cutting out the pastries, cakes and fizzy drinks and yes, we can see you sneaking that Mars bar.

Producers will add sugar to almost anything – so always check the label in ‘Carbohydrates of which sugars’ and look for sneaky things like corn syrup.

If you still want that carb fix then go for complex carbohydrates with slow-release sugars (low glycemic index) like wholegrain cereals, brown rice and sweet potato.

2. Lean Proteins

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Summer means one thing – barbecues.

*JOE does a little meat jig*

All that wonderful food sizzling away on the charcoal. I can almost smell it now. But the key to cleaning up your diet here is to go for lean cuts of meat.

Things like sausages, burgers and pork chops often have a high fat content – which is not so good if you’re trying to lean up.

While your body does need some essential fats found in things like omega 3, olive oil, nuts and avocado, you will find a lot of saturated fats in processed meats.

While you can eat fattier steaks and chops in moderation, it is best to stick to leaner meats like chicken breast and fish like sea bass or cod.

You can even buy reduced fat mince to make your own burgers. Forget the turkey twizzlers and chicken nuggets though.

3. Pile on the vegetables

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You can pretty much chalk off any processed foods from your shopping list. And forget anything with ingredients you can’t pronounce.

But one thing you should have right at the top of your list is vegetables. They are packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants (which can prevent cancer.)

Anyone with a high sugar diet will probably have too much oestrogen in their bodies. The hormone is a real fat magnet (read love handles and beer belly.)

But eating green vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach and Brussel sprouts will help reduce this oestrogen and hence body fat.

They are the perfect low glycemic carbohydrate that will add bulk to your meal so you can pile them high and it will stop your reaching for a sugary snack.

4. Swerve the gluten

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Gluten is not your friend. More and more people are finding they have an intolerance to wheat.

Even if you’ve not got an actual allergy, you could be wheat intolerant.

Remember the last time you ate white bread? Did it make you feel bloated, full or give you stomach discomfort?

It might be delicious, but it’s probably holding your physique back. You’ll find it in breads and baked goods (all the tastiest stuff, really) and it will make your blood sugar skyrocket.

Ditch the wheat and you will probably find you have more energy, less food cravings and you will lose weight easier.

5. Water

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The Waterboy was right – this one is a no-brainer. Every system in your body depends on water to function – so forget the fizzy drinks and go full camel on the water.

The recommended daily amount is 2 litres for men – but bodybuilders drink up to 5 litres. You’ll find you’re p*ssing like a racehorse all day. But it will help speed your metabolism up and help you burn calories more efficiently.

When you are dehydrated your body will store what water it has so you will feel bloated – drink more water and it will actually flush this out along with toxins.

Scientists say hydrated muscles grow better and can perform at a higher level and you will be less likely to see muscle breakdown.

Not to mention the benefits for your brain power, concentration and skin.

Follow these five simple rules for eight weeks and you will see a huge difference in your body composition.