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03rd Sep 2015

Italian football to trial revolutionary new green card for refs

Green but not for go...


We could soon become accustomed to a colour other than yellow and red being pulled out of the referees pocket if trials in Italy prove successful.

According to the Italian newspaper La Stampa, Serie B will add a new green card to the referees’ arsenal during games – but it won’t be waved by way of a punishment.

Instead it will be awarded to players who show particularly good conduct or perform acts of sportsmanship. For instance…

There will be no in-game implications to earning a green card, but the player’s name will be noted for special commendation at the end of the season.

Apparently, the plan is to ‘highlight those who help to make the game a game and not a battle by primal instincts.’

Well isn’t that just lovely.

H/T Yahoo! Sport