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14th Jun 2015

David Starkey stirs controversy by comparing the SNP to Nazis

David Snarky...

Nooruddean Choudry

Increasingly ridiculed and ridiculous telly historian David Starkey has offended both Jewish people and Scots by comparing the SNP to Nazis…

The historian, who seems more interested in courting controversy rather than maintaining any degree of academic credibility, compared the Saltire to the swastika, describing both as a “twisted cross”.

Speaking to the Sunday Times, the twisted and cross Starkey went on to make a number of other tenuous comparisons that only really exist in his offensive head:

“What are the points of comparison? Well, we have a political movement that has a single historic explanation for why your country is facing such terrible oppression; it’s either Versailles or the Treaty of the Union.


“You have a particular group of people who are responsible for this; it is either the English or the Jews.”

Yes that’s right – Starkey genuinely compared the views and attitudes of the SNP to English people to those of the Nazis towards Jews.

Regardless of whether he expressed such comments as pure mischief or genuine sentiments, they are crass and insensitive to put it mildly.

The tedious TV ‘personality’ went on to make rambling comparisons regarding national dress, likening kilts to Germanic shorts.

The SNP’s Kirsten Oswald MP was far more eloquent in her response to Starkey’s comments: “He has become little more than a serial utterer of bile and bilge.”