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10th Nov 2023

Company offers £2000 to watch Christmas films for the festive season

Nina McLaughlin

With Christmas rapidly approaching, the urge to lie down on the sofa and pop on Love Actually or Elf grows ever stronger.

However, for one lucky person, this urge could be transformed into a financial gain, as one company has offered to pay someone to watch Christmas films over the season.

CableTV is willing to pay one Christmas fanatic $2500 (£2000) to watch festive films over the coming season.

In order to be paid, all you have to do is watch 25 different films throughout a 25 day period.

The company is even offering to pay for the seven top streaming services so that you can access all of the seasonal flicks.

This includes the classics such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ as well as Hulu, Max, Apple TV+ and Hallmark Movies Now.

The official job title is ‘Chief of Cheer’, which sounds like the dream job to be honest.

One of the other responsibilities of the job is rating the films after viewing, based on factors such as nostalgia, heart warming storytelling, and overall festive feeling.

CableTV also wants whoever lands the job to rate the streaming services in terms of how user-friendly they are, and how good their selection of Christmas films is.

The only requirements for the job is that you have to be a US resident and aged over 18.

“The only requirement is that you have a deep love for holiday movies, a song in your heart, and the willpower to marathon 25 movies in 25 days,” the job description adds.

The lucky person to land the job will be contacted on December 5, and you can apply for yourself here.
