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31st Jul 2023

Kelly sold her house to pay for ’20 years younger’ facelift

Joseph Loftus

“My face started dropping fast.”

A woman who sold her house to help afford a £10,000 facelift says strangers tell her she looks 20 years younger.

50-year-old, Kelly Beasley, decided she wanted to undergo the cosmetic procedure when she noticed her face was ‘dropping fast’.

Kelly has always took pride in her appearance and has been getting Botox since her late 20s – and fillers for the last 15 years.

When Kelly began noticing the effects of age, she opted for an extended face lift, neck lift, lip lift, and fat transfer from her thighs in Tijuana, Mexico, on February 14, 2023 – costing her £10k.

Kelly got the money by selling her house.


Thankfully, Kelly is absolutely delighted with the surgery and says she feels 20 years younger.

Kelly, who is currently in Lake Tahoe, California, US, said: “I like to look nice.

“Around 48, my face started dropping fast. The changes were astounding. Fillers were not going to make a difference.

“I sold my house as a cushion to pay for it. The results are beyond what I expected. I didn’t expect to look younger. People say I look in my 30s.

“I’m loving my look and looking my most fabulous that I can.”

Kelly started researching plastic surgeons in the US after deciding she wanted to undergo a facelift.

A facelift is a cosmetic surgery to make the face tighter and smooth by lifting and pulling back the skin.

Kelly said: “Some were really expensive – I was quoted $50 to $60k.

“Then I saw a lady on TikTok talking about plastic surgery. I was astounded by her results.

“She had it down in Tijuana in Mexico. I wasn’t sure but I didn’t completely dismiss it. She said she had it for $14k – I was blown away.”


Kelly found a Facebook group for EOC plastics – who organised the surgeries in Tijuana, Mexico – and began looking at other women’s experiences.

She decided to email them photos of herself and was sent a quote for $14k and signed up to be put on the cancellation list.

Kelly had already put her three bedroom house, in Marana, Arizona, up for sale which she was able to use as funds for the surgery.

In January, she was notified of a cancellation and was told she could book her surgery.


She said: “I didn’t feel ready. A month later, they had another cancellation. I thought ‘let’s do this’.

“It was on the February 14 – Happy Valentine’s to me.”

Kelly travelled to Mexico on February 13 and had the four hour surgery the next day – which involved taking fat from her thighs and putting it in her lips and face.

Kelly said that the surgery was more or less painless and she is absolutely delighted with the results.
