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13th Aug 2015

Will Smith is bringing back the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to our TV screens

It's like the 90s all over again...

Ben Kenyon

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is still one of the greatest shows ever made.

If you were a 90s kid, you probably didn’t watch much else during that most glorious of decades. We bet you still know all the words to the theme tune.

It’s been a raid-the-90s riot these past few years – with everything from snap backs to Stone Roses making a comeback.

But there was only one man who could ever bring back the Fresh Prince…and that man is Will Smith.

Prepare to lose your minds because Big Will is about to revive that brilliant era-defining sitcom, according to TV Line…

Sadly, Smith won’t be starring in the reboot – he’s a little old to be playing a street-smart teen from West Philly. Anyone fancy putting money on his 17-year-old son Jaden for the role?

Smith’s Overbook Entertainment will produce it, putting a modern spin on the classic programme just in time for the 20th anniversary of the series next year.