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17th Apr 2016

This food hack is perfect for avocado lovers

Ripen a hard avocado in only 10 minutes

Carl Anka

They’re *so* good when you get it right, but far too often we’ve had our guac and breakfast options ruined by bad avocados.

Avocados are a temperamental fruit, hard for so long and then ripe for about 30 minutes.

Not to mention how hit and miss they are in your local supermarket.


Luckily, help is on the way thanks to this food hack from website PureWow. With a little assistance from your oven and some foil, you should never eat hard avocado again.

What’s better still is the process takes little over 10 minutes.

Here’s how you ripen a hard avocado in your oven.

  1. Wrap your avocado in foil and place in a baking tray. (Do not remove skin.
  2. Set your oven to 100 degrees (1/4 of a gas mark) and bake for 10 minutes.
  3. Check on your avocado to see if it’s soft. If your avocado is still hard, pop it back in for another 10 minutes. Repeat this process, checking in every 10 minutes until your avocado is the desired softness.
  4. When happy with the softness, remove your avocado from the often and pop it in the fridge until it cools.
  5. Enjoy your soft, delicious avocado. Thank PureWow and JOE for the advice.

As PureWow explains, baking an avocado in foil releases ethylane gas – the gas avocados naturally release at a slower pace to ripen. All you’re doing is speeding up the process.

So there you have it, once simple trick to make your avocado eating lifestyle a doddle. Thank us later.

Oh and while we’re here – NEVER store an avocado in the fridge.


Life Hacks