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15th Dec 2021

Police were at Downing Street on night of Christmas party, according to reports

Steve Hopkins

The Met Police has so far refused to investigate the Downing Street Christmas parties

Police are said to have attended a Downing Street Christmas party last year, with reports suggesting an officer responded after an alarm was accidentally triggered.

ITV News said sources inside Number 10 confirmed an alarm went off at the same time staff were said to have gathered to drink wine, eat cheese and receive awards on December 18, 2020.

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The revelation raises further questions about how much police and security staff knew about the party.

The Met has so far declined to investigate any of the alleged Downing Street parties last year, claiming there is insufficient evidence and that they don’t retrospectively investigate Covid breaches.

From 27 March 2020 to 17 October 2021, there were 371 £10,000 fines issued by police in England for holding gatherings in breach of covid regulations.

Read more: All the people fined £10k for hosting parties in December last year

ITV News further reported that the alarm was set off in a separate room to the party – where staff were at their desks working late – and detailed how it triggered an automatic response from a custodian – or doorkeeper – who came to check whether there had been a security breach.

The broadcaster said, separately, a Met police officer entered the reception of No 10 to make their own checks.

The party – attended by up to 50 people – is alleged to have taken place in a room just a few metres from the main foyer of No 10, and may have been audible from the entranceway, it reported.

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Neither the Met nor Downing Street has denied the story.

The Met Police said in a statement: “As a matter of course, we do not discuss specific details of protective security arrangements we provide at government buildings, as to do so could serve to undermine any such arrangements in place.”

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