This is desperately unfortunate.
According to BBC, a young Muslim boy in Lancashire was questioned by police after he mistakenly referred to his “terrorist house” during an English lesson.
The boy, who has not been named in the media, had meant to say “terraced house”.
Teachers are legally required to report anything that arouses their suspicions, so the police were called to interview the child.
Speaking to the BBC, the boy’s cousin said: “You can imagine it happening to a 30-year-old man, but not to a young child.
“If the teacher had any concerns it should have been about his spelling. They shouldn’t be putting a child through this. He’s now scared of writing, using his imagination.”
The story is reminiscent of US pupil Ahmed, the young boy who was arrested by police after a clock he made himself and brought into school was mistaken for a bomb.
Hopefully the schoolboy in question wasn’t too traumatised by what must have been a worrying ordeal.