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24th Nov 2023

Average length men last during sex revealed


The average time men last in bed has been revealed, and it seems blokes might not be too happy about it

A new study from Pilot revealed that men who consume a lot of porn have ‘unrealistic and unhealthy’ expectations around sex.

These unrealistic ideas include how long they should be lasting during intercourse.

Doctor Ben Condon told “Porn, particularly in the absence of sufficient sex education, perpetuates unrealistic and unhealthy expectations of sex and intimate relationships.

“This unnecessarily increases the incidence of shame and anxiety in one’s ‘performance’ while also encouraging unhealthy, and at times disrespectful, relationships.”

The survey found that men on average last five and a half minutes, which was way off what men said they hoped they’d last. Men hoped that they would last nearly double that amount of time.

However, for those looking to improve their longevity, there is ways to improve this.

With something called the ‘squeeze method’, where you squeeze the penis tightly when close to ejaculation. This should help to reduce the erection, and give you more time to enjoy things.

The study also found that 33 percent of men watched porn at least once a week, with 59 percent believing the content had either a positive or nil impact on their sexual relations.

Cordon said: “Fundamentally, porn is not representative of healthy sexual relationships.

“It perpetuates unrealistic expectations on performance, body image and normalises aggression, extreme behaviours and in some cases violence while also minimising the need for consent.

“Over time, this ultimately impacts our perception of healthy sexual relationships, what’s ‘normal’ and can lead to decreased arousal, performance anxiety and erectile dysfunction.”
