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08th Apr 2016

You can now watch millions of Pornhub videos on your TV for free

Horny and HD-ready

Matt Tate

Pornhub is no longer content with its place on a pop-up-littered laptop screen under the duvet – it wants the glorious 60″ 4K telly in your living room.

As of today, the world’s largest adult entertainment site is available via a free streaming app on the Roku set-top box.

That means anyone that owns a Roku has big-screen access to all five million Pornhub videos for no cost whatsoever, and if you have a premium account you can sign in and kick back on the sofa knowing that no ads are going to suddenly interrupt your fun.


More services are being targeted for the rollout, according to Pornhub VP Chris Pierce. In a comment to Gizmodo, he said: “In the meantime we will continue to optimize our TV version of Pornhub that works great on consoles and smartTV web browsers.

“We are also launching Chromecast support in our official Android app by the end of April.”

Apple TV owners won’t be so lucky, though, as the Californian company gives any pornography a big thumbs down. Probably don’t expect it to be Tim Cook’s ‘one more thing’ at the next Apple keynote either, although that would be pretty spectacular.

Functionality on the app isn’t as comprehensive as it is on the native site; you can only browse by basic categories. For the Pornhub connoisseur this might be an issue, but everyone else has a whole destination for their X-rated viewing.

Just make sure your housemates/family/pets are out that night.