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11th Nov 2018

Charlie Austin’s post-match rant set to Blur’s ‘Parklife’ is inspired

Dave Hanratty

The Southampton striker went off at the officials on Saturday and it sounded a bit familiar…

Sometimes, the funniest jokes appear quite simple but take a slight bit of genius to get there.

We’re all aware of Britpop heroes Blur, their 1994 smash hit ‘Parklife’ from the album of the same name, and how that song has been used to poke fun at some impassioned people in recent years.

Here’s one such example by way of the eternal gift that is Arsenal Fan TV:

Clip via TheBlueMan

There’s just something about Phil Daniels’ ‘angry bloke with something to say about it’ cadence mixed with the song title punchline that fits over such things, and it applies to football in quite a unique way.

Following a tense Premier League draw against Watford on Saturday, Southampton man Charlie Austin cut a brutally honest and intense wrestling-style promo in the post-match interview.

A clearly aggrieved Austin raged against the match officials, saying that they “cost us two points today” after a refereeing decision denied his side a goal and the chance to pull out of sight.

Whether you applaud such outspoken comments or think he’ll deserve the fine that will surely come his way, you can’t deny that it was a more memorable footballer interview than usual.

Inevitably, the ‘Parklife’ gods got their blood sacrifice, too, as a man by the name of Ryan Butterworth used his wits and Twitter account to do the necessary on Sunday.

It works really well.
