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15th Oct 2015

The sexiest British regional accent (according to Americans) has been revealed

Sounds interesting...


Accents are a strange thing.

For most of us, we never even really consider the fact that we have particular way of talking until we move away from our home town and everyone makes fun of the way we say certain things.

If you’re moving around different parts of the UK, your accent can give a lot away about where you’re from and who are – but when you find yourself speaking to an Aussie or an American you’ll know too well that they couldn’t give a shit about the fact you’re a Mancunian and not a Scouser – it’s all English to them.

But we all know that some accents travel better than others – particularly when it comes to wooing a potential partner as a sexy foreign man of mystery. But what’s the best accent to have to chat up someone from abroad?

british accent

British Airways have surveyed 1,000 Americans about regional British accents, and their findings are fascinating.

According to our American friends, those of us with an Essex accent sound the least intelligent, while the Geordie accent was seen as the most intelligent, with 36% of the vote.

When it comes to the most attractive, the Glaswegian accent was the top response with nearly a quarter of the vote. In second place came the the cockney accent, with 16%.

We couldn’t agree more…

