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22nd Apr 2021

You could get paid £29,000 to review pubs for a year

Danny Jones


Thanks to some legend at the Lincolnshire County Council, apparently, you can now be paid £29,000 to review pubs for a year. As in, that’s your job – for a whole year…

The vacancy posted on the council website is listed as ‘Heritage Project Officer’, with the job description relating to the area’s new ‘Inns on the Edge’ project, which is aimed at researching, recording and preserving local pubs.

The project itself is being funded by Historic England and will involve detailing the “architectural and social history of public houses along a 50 mile stretch of the Lincolnshire Coast from Grimsby to Boston”.

Get paid to review pubs

As Heritage Project Officer AKA Professional Pint Taster, the person chosen will be responsible for helping inform Lincolnshire County Council about the best way to ensure these pubs’ “future management and conservation”.

Not only does this just sound like the most cracking job of all time, not to mention with a highly competitive salary – especially given the ‘work load’ – but it genuinely comes across as a valuable role in the local community. We say more councils should pay us to drink!

In all seriousness though, if over a year of Covid-19 and lockdown has taught us anything, it’s that the hospitality sector needs to be looked after.

As the job advert goes on to say: “This is urgently needed to enhance the local historic environment records, raise awareness in response to the threat of pub closures, and help the hospitality sector recover from the pandemic.”

Now pubs are back open, people are once again realising much we should appreciate their role in local communities and society a as a whole. Staff are the heartbeat of pubs, restaurants and the weekend itself – ensuring their places of work are maintained and celebrated down the years is important. So, if you’re from the area or even just have a car, why not take a look?

The specifications and skills required are as follows, although we did tag one of our own on to the end. You’re welcome Lincolnshire County Council:

  • Demonstrate a good working knowledge of the historic built environment, and the current statutory and policy context for heritage,
  • Have experience of carrying out research,
  • Have a high level of organisational skill and time management, with the ability to work on your own initiative and as part of a team.
  • Have a stomach for frosty pints of beer and perhaps an ale or two.

The deadline is 03/05/2021 and interviews will be held 13/05/2021 – get applying!