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22nd Aug 2022

Brits could be paid for not using electrical appliance in peak hours

Kieran Galpin

The price cap is expected to rise again in October

As the cost of living crisis cripples the UK, households that use smart meters could be paid not to use certain electrical appliances during peak times this winter.

With energy bills skyrocketing and the government seemingly doing little to combat it, Brits are looking for ways to save a few quid here and there. Luckily, you could be paid as much as £6 for every kilowatt per hour you save from 5pm to 8pm.

It is expected that Brits could be paid to not use devices like game consoles, dishwashers, and tumble dryers.

The National Grid Electricity System Operator has said that they intend to apply to Ofgem with their plan in the hopes that it will be functioning come later October, when the price cap is expected to peak again.

“We are developing a new service that will be available for consumers to benefit from across this winter and will be announcing further information soon,” said a spokesperson for the national grid.

Should the plans be accepted, energy companies will then decide whether they want to sign on to the scheme. From here, it will be down to the individual customer to choose whether or not to participate.

This comes after energy minister Kwasi Kwarteng said that he understood the “deep anxiety” Brits are feeling over energy prices. Writing in the Mail on Sunday, he said: “But I want to reassure the British people that help is coming.”

Via UnSplash

The nature of the help was not revealed; instead, Kwarteng said that the treasury is “working on options for the new prime minister.”

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