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01st Jan 2017

Tom Hardy (and his dog) nearly saved 2016 with CBeebies appearance

The man can do anything...

Simon Lloyd

Hats off to him, Tom Hardy (with a little help from his incredibly chilled out dog) nearly made us forget how utterly shit parts of 2016 have been on NYE.

A good few hours before Robbie Williams sanitised his hands after touching normal people, and Mariah Carey had an absolute shocker at Times Square’s new year bash, Hardy read the bedtime story on CBeebies.

Well known for taking on the tough guy role in many of his films, the 39-year-old – with dog Woody sprawled across his lap – read You Must Bring a Hat, by Simon Philip and Kate Hindley, to the nation’s children (and plenty of their parents)

The story, which is aimed at children of two and over, tells the story of a boy who is going to a party, and the sight of Hardy reading it went down a treat with those that saw it. And it wasn’t just Britain’s children and mums that were impressed…

One of the good guys.

Sadly, we’re yet to find a full version of Hardy’s story telling session online, but keep an eye on iPlayer – it can’t be too far away.

In the mean time, have a watch of this. Just look how chilled out that dog is…