At 69 years of age, Ric Flair is still able to perform!
When you think of the golden era of professional wrestling, a few names will immediately spring to mind.
HHH, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker etc.
But you won’t be able to talk about this era for too long without thinking of the legend that is Ric Flair.
The Nature Boy has performed in some of the best matches in WWE history, and it looks like he’s not willing to hang up the boots any time soon.
Despite being 69 years of age, Flair is now medically cleared to perform in a ring once again.
Speaking on Stone Cold Steve Austin’s podcast, he said: “I had difficulty doing anything when I still had that bag on my side that was attached to my intestines because it sat right at my waistline and it was hard, but as soon as I got that off, I was back doing 500 free squats.
“To me, I just need a goal. Does that make sense? But I finally got the weight back on and then I found myself putting more weight back on than I wanted, so I have to be careful with that, but I’ve been working out. I can do anything, benchpress. I have to be careful after surgery, the second surgery, for hernia issues.
“But I literally took it easy. I didn’t do anything. And now I’m full speed ahead.
“The guys have cleared me to do anything. I’ve actually been cleared to get knocked down in the ring.
“I didn’t know if they were going to use me in some capacity and Austin knows the clearances you have to have with the health policy, which is so adamant.”
Despite this good news, we should also remember the time that Ric Flair was “retired” by Shawn Michaels. Never has a kick in the face brought us to tears so impressively.
We’re sorry, we need a moment…