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17th May 2022

Elon Musk says we can’t let humankind end in ‘adult diapers’

Charlie Herbert

Musk also claimed the environment is ‘going to be fine even if we doubled the size of the humans’

Elon Musk has once again called for people to have more children so that humanity doesn’t “gradually dwindle away until civilization ends with all of us in adult diapers.”

He has also repeated his belief that the human race will solve climate change, going as far to say that the human population could “double in size” and we would still be fine.

“Some people think that having fewer kids is better for the environment. It’s total nonsense. The environment is going to be fine, the environment is going to be fine even if we doubled the size of the humans,” the Tesla CEO told the closed-door All-In Summit via video call on Monday.

“At least maintain our numbers,” he said. “We don’t necessarily need to grow dramatically, but least let’s not gradually dwindle away until civilization ends with all of us in adult diapers, in a whimper.”

Musk has previously spoken about his concerns about population numbers across the world.

In an interview earlier this year, Musk said his biggest fear for humanity is “the birthrate thing.”

He explained that “most people in the world are operating under the false impression that we’ve got too many people” and that as a result the “birth rate has been dropping like crazy.”

But previous research has suggested that having children is one of the worst things people can do for the environment.

Last year, research from Morgan Stanley concluded that “having a child is 7-times worse for the climate in CO2 emissions annually than the next 10 most discussed mitigants that individuals can do,” CNBC reports.

And a 2017 Swedish study found that having one fewer child per family could save approximately 58.6 metric tons of carbon each year in developed countries.

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