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11th Feb 2017

University forced to apologise for horribly offensive Holocaust ‘Valentine’s Day’ card

What kind of monsters would come up with such a sickening 'joke'?

Rebecca Keane

A university has apologised after a deeply offensive anti-Semitic Valentine’s Day card that was distributed on their campus went viral on the internet.

According to Metro, students from Central Michigan University in the US were shocked when they were given a Valentine’s Day card with the extremely offensive message.

Stunned students were handed a card which included a picture of Adolf Hitler with the message “my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews”.

It is doubly offensive as it downplays the horrors of the Holocaust by a factor of ten. An estimated 6 million Jewish people were killed by the Nazi regime during the Holocaust, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The President of the university came out and apologised for the cards that understandably offended members of the student body, as well as many around the world.

“We are deeply disappointed by last night’s situation with a Valentine card containing an inappropriate sentiment that was produced during a student organisation meeting…

“This is not who we are as a campus community.”