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18th May 2022

Matthew McConaughey wants this one word removed from the dictionary

Kieran Galpin

But ‘moist’ is fine

In a slightly bizarre turn of events, Magic Mike’s Matthew McConaughey has called for one specific word to be removed from the dictionary.

Everyone has a word that makes them cringe but Hollywood legend McConaughey, 52, felt so strongly about one particular word that he dedicated an entire social media post to it. In McConaughey’s case, the word he hates so profoundly is unbelievable.

No, we are not suggesting that the world is crazy or beyond belief. The word he loathes is ‘unbelievable’.

“It’s my least favourite word, I think we should wipe it out of the dictionary,” McConaughey explained. “What’s so unbelievable about tragedy, about triumph, about people (ha!) that raise us up or let us down?”

He continued: “It happens every single day we shouldn’t think that the most beautiful sunset or the greatest play or the greatest love of our life or the greatest moment of euphoria is unbelievable. Believe it! It’s happening right in front of you. In you!

“We shouldn’t feel like the greatest tragedy of death or earthquakes or national disasters or loss is unbelievable. It’s part of life too! Believe it. We see it every day. Unbelievable? I don’t buy it. Awesome, horrible, incredible. I believe those. That’s a good way to explain things. But unbelievable? Nah. It just happened. Believe it.”

This isn’t the first time the Oscar-winning actor has voiced his disdain for the word, having previously spoken about it at the University of Houston.

Reacting to the slightly random video, one fan wrote: “My man always spitting facts.”

Others debated his argument, and one wrote: “While I think the word “unbelievable” is overused, it shouldn’t be tossed in the trash bin. I do agree its meaning is lessened by overuse as both an adjective and adverb. But yes, there are things and accomplishments which are truly unbelievable.”

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