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22nd Jun 2021

Viewers blown away by Kevin Hart’s performance in new movie Fatherhood

Kieran Galpin

Fans have applauded Kevin Hart for his new movie “Fatherhood” that premiered on Netflix last week. Many have claimed it’s Hart’s best performance to date, with his content taking a slight turn from vulgar comedy to humorous tragedy.

The film, which follows the life of a recently widowed father, is inspired by the true story Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love by Matthew Logelin.

Hart commented on his most recent movie with Comingsoon.

“It’s finding a line that you can walk on, and deliver a message and not be over the top with the funny. Be grounded when the moments call for it, right? Make them real and reactive laughs rather than forced laughs.

“But in this case, for me, it was about the drama. It was about making sure that I was believable in what I lost and the hurt and pain that I was experiencing.

Though critics have mixed reviews, with some calling it “bland” and saying much “is left to be desired,” there is also very positive feedback from other outlets. “Those who see Fatherhood will find a positive, redemptive message about the beauty, joy and pain of parenthood,” writes Kristin Smith for Plugged in.