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21st Dec 2023

Furious parents slam church vicar who ruined Christmas for kids with just three words

Joseph Loftus

That’s not very Christmassy

A church rector has been labelled the Grinch after he told more than 200 children that Father Christmas doesn’t exist.

Reverend Edward Keene denied the existence of Santa Clause during a carol concert at St Nicholas’ in Stevenage.

Furious parents lambasted the religious leader saying that many kids were confused by his speech, while others were left in tears.

Some families claim that the vicar had taken the magic away from the festive period however he himself has defended his actions claiming that the age of the children made it acceptable.

One parent said: “He decided the whole of Year 7 needed to know Santa isn’t real, as they are entering the real world.”

Another mum added: “My daughter was upset and confused. Lots more children were affected in similar ways. I would like to make other parents and schools aware, as this has ruined my daughter’s Christmas.”

While a dad said: “This guy doesn’t know about the children’s home lives and situations. Why did he need to say this? Who is he to deliver this news?”

Reverend Keene argued that the concert was free of charge and that the sermon was meant to teach children about what is true and what is not.

He added: “As the Year 7 children are at, or nearly at the age of 12, I considered it would be acceptable to point that Father Christmas is not real.

“As the event to that point had included songs and readings about a range of characters, including Father Christmas and the sleigh, the Grinch and Jesus Christ, I did note discernment had to be exercised and some of these are real and others are not. At the time, this proved a point of amusement for the children rather than one of upset.

“The topic of the reflection was aimed at a secondary school audience and would not be the same for a primary or pre-primary one. I will approach the topic differently in the future, as well as apologising for any undue upset inadvertently caused this was by no means my intent.”

Barclay Academy said that they were unaware Reverend Keene was planning to make the revelation during the concert and said that they have since spoken to the church to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

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