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10th Jan 2022

Four-day bank holiday weekend dates confirmed by Buckingham Palace

Danny Jones

Absolute scenes from the sofa

Rejoice, people of Britain, the dates set for this year’s four-day bank holiday weekend for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee have been confirmed and we’re already looking forward to the biggest lie in.

We reported on the announcement early last year, with a series of festivities and special events scheduled to mark the monarch’s 70 years on the throne. The first day of celebrations will kick off on Thursday, June 2nd and run until Sunday 5th.

As detailed in the Palace’s lengthy Twitter thread, the occasion will kick off the customary Trooping the Colour as well as ceremonial lighting of the beacon in more than 1,5000 towns across the nation.

Following that, the party vibes are then due to kick into gear with the ‘Platinum Party’ which will be held outside Buckingham Palace itself, with thousands of public tickets available by ballot from March.

People all over the country are being encouraged to join in, of course, with the ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’ being one of the other marquee events tipped for the historic Jubilee. Covid willing, street parties are just round the corner.

One of the most interesting parts – aside from pubs rumoured to be staying open till 3am (oh yes) – is that people across the UK are also being tasked with inventing a new national dish dubbed ‘Platinum Pudding’.

Like coronation chicken invented when Queen Elizabeth II first took up the throne in 1953, this will dessert mark a significant milestone in British culture and, come on, who doesn’t love a pudding?

As mentioned, you can see the full list of celebrations and events set for the full four-day bank holiday weekend on the Royal Family‘s official Twitter account, and there’s plenty of them!

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