The ‘disgusting’ father is getting ripped apart online.
A Dad is getting absolutely slammed online for revealing that he grounded his daughter for a week and took away her phone for a month.
He posted the statement on the public discussion from Quora alongside the question “should I do more?”.
It resulted in a lengthy thread, mainly filled with people having a go at him for being ‘pathetic’ and a ‘moron’.
The disgusted mob jumped into the comment section one after another to condemn the father for his reaction to a “very natural” part of life.
One user said: “Are you out of your mind?! Menstruation is part of growing up for a girl. The release of the hormones during puberty is regulated by the brain (i.e. Involuntary) you massive ignorant, uneducated twit! I feel bad for your daughter to have such a moron for a parent. Get yourself a clue.”
Another demanded he get some parenting help: “Sign yourself up for some parenting classes. A daughter should not be punished for being normal. A period is normal. When it starts depends varies with each girl. It could be 9 or it could be 13.”
The thread currently has over one hundred comments since it was first posted and has sparked a lot of debate around the topic of teenage girls and their menstrual cycle.
Some have said they can forgive the dad on the basis of ignorance but that a mother should be expected to know better and have more empathy concerning their daughter’s time of the month.
There’s been no further comment from the dad in question, so we can only hope that some of the feedback has reached him and that his daughter won’t have to suffer the unfair punishment again and can have her phone back so she too can share her outrage in the comments section of the Quora thread.