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15th Dec 2017

BBC accidentally aired footage of a giant sex toy during Stormzy interview

Of all the footage they could've used...

Jade Hayden

There’s nothing wrong with a big ol’ sex toy.

They don’t cause harm, they don’t exist to cause offence and, in fact, they actually make a lot of people very, very happy.

Images of them are, however, usually reserved for the evening time when the kids are sound asleep and nobody’s eating their Cheerios before heading off to work.

With that in mind, you can see why there’s such a fuss being made of what happened during BBC Breakfast’s interview with Stormzy on Friday afternoon…

As they interviewed him, footage played of him performing at last summer’s Glastonbury. Unfortunately, the clip that had been selected  featured one festival-goer (dressed as a policeman) waving a huge dildo around his head in time to the music.

Lovely stuff.

The sex toy seemed to go unnoticed by Stormzy, and the BBC Breakfast presenters, who simply watched it and then continued on with their interview.

People on Twitter, however, were that bit sharper.

Think of the children indeed, Stephen.

Maybe it’s time to update those sex ed classes after all.

