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27th Aug 2021

Danny DeVito body double needed for ‘It’s Always Sunny’ filming in Ireland

Charlie Herbert

“Height: 4ft5, Large, Waist pant 41 [so] if you know anyone that could work, please share.”

Surely there’s only one person on this planet shaped like Danny DeVito. And it’s Danny Devito.

But even stars like him need body doubles, so the makers of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (IASIP) are after someone to step in for the iconic Frank Reynolds when the show does some filming in Ireland later this month.

The show will be filming an episode in Dublin, and someone is required to stand-in for DeVito’s character according to BelfastLive.

The hit series, starring Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton, and Kaitlin Olson, first aired way back in 2005 and has run for a staggering 14 seasons. DeVito’s character was introduced in the second series after leaving his “wh*re wife,” embracing his “feral” nature and describing himself as “fringe class.”

So it’s one of the more unique roles in television.

Casting company said: “Yes, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia are coming to Ireland – and we need a Danny DeVito Double.

“Shooting is this Sunday 29 August, and the location is Dublin.

“Height: 4ft5, Large, Waist pant 41 [so] if you know anyone that could work, please share.”

So if you’re built like DeVito, fancy earning a few quid in Dublin and are free on August 29 then this could be for them!

Related links:

QUIZ: Match the quote to the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia character #2

QUIZ: Match the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia quote to the character

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