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16th Nov 2021

Tory Councillor suspended for Jeremy Corbyn Liverpool bomb picture in now-deleted tweet

Ava Evans

In the wake of a horrific terror attack in Liverpool, Councillor Paul Nickerson described Corbyn as having a history of “praising and entertaining” terrorists

A Conservative Councillor has been suspended, after accusing the former Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, of “praising and entertaining terrorist and terrorist organisations”.

Paul Nickerson, an East Riding Conservative Cllr, posted a photo superimposing Jeremy Corbyn onto footage of Sunday’s Liverpool car explosion. The former Labour Leader was depicted laying a wreath onto the burning vehicle.

Underneath the photo, Nickerson said to another user: “You’re right to draw attention to the fact Jeremy Corbyn has a history of praising and entertaining terrorist and terrorist organisations so all power to you.”

Nickerson, who was accused of inciting hated, replied to another user with: “You might find the [sic] Jeremy Corbyn is the one investigated for racism and inciting hatred.”

The string of tweets were deleted in the early hours of the morning after the Tory Councillor faced accusations of trivialising Sunday’s horrific attack in Liverpool.

The councillor has now been suspended from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Conservative Group with immediate effect.

A statement from Leader of the Conservative Group, Cllr Jonathan Owen read: “Following an inappropriate and offensive message which appeared on Councillor Paul Nickerson’s Twitter feed, I have suspended him from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Conservative Group with immediate effect and an investigation will now take place.

“All people in public life, irrespective of politics, should be united in condemning the terrorist attack that took place outside the Liverpool Women’s Hospital on Remembrance Sunday.

“It is not the time for inappropriate remarks, however intended, and they will not be tolerated in this Conservative Group.

“Residents should expect their elected representatives to act in an appropriate manner at all times.”

Earlier today, following a request for comment by PoliticsJOE, Councillor Nickerson suggested the post might not have been him at all, tweeting “I would like to apologies [sic] for a political tweet sent from my account yesterday”.

Paul Nickerson was elected to represent Minster & Woodmansey Ward in 2019.

He describes himself as working daily with the police, schools, local business, the local NHS on community issues, noting he also represents the East Riding Council on the Police & Crime Commissioner Panel.

In January earlier this year, Paul Nickerson was sacked as East Riding Council’s Conservative group whip by the Council leader after an altercation with a fellow Councillor during a ward meeting.

Cllr Nickerson announced the news in a now-deleted tweet with a photo of a bottle of wine.

A member of the East Riding Council confirmed Nickerson would not have the Whip returned.

Nickerson’s comments were met with outrage on twitter. One user, Chris Sin, asked him if he realised he had disgraced himself, and given people who like to bully more ammunition for them to continue.

He said he was “utterly shocked that you as a Councillor thought this was acceptable behaviour. Disgusting!”

Another user, Paul Rees, said he would be surprised if Nickerson hadn’t resigned by the end of the day.

It was also pointed out Nickerson had been rather hypocritical, having tweeted about “world kindness day” a mere two days ago.

Media lawyer David Banks said the deleted tweets were “a classic for those who train in the stuff that goes on local government social media”.

Cllr Paul Nickerson declined to comment when contacted by PoliticsJOE.

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