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11th Jan 2024

Paris Hilton has missing dog cloned into two new dogs

Nina McLaughlin

World, meet Diamond and Baby

Paris Hilton has had her old dog, Diamond Baby, cloned into two new animals using ‘cells’ to clone her beloved pet.

Hilton, who is well-known for her animal rights advocacy, was left heartbroken when the pooch disappeared back in 2022.

“I miss my Diamond Baby so much it hurts,” she wrote on Instagram at the time.

“I know she’s alive out there somewhere! Please spread the word and help bring my bb girl home.”

She offered a $10,000 reward for the dog’s return, but alas to no avail Diamond Baby has never returned.

It was later believed that the animal was killed in a coyote attack.

“This has been on of the most painful experiences of my life. My heart is broken,” Hilton wrote of the event.

However, thanks to cloning technology, Hilton is now getting Diamond Baby back into her life – well, kind of.

The 42-year-old revealed the plans to clone her old dog during a season of Paris in Love.

“I got a call today from the cloning people,” she told her sister Nicky Rothschild. “For Diamond Baby.”

“What?” Rothschild responded.

“I’m getting a clone of her,” she said.

She explained that she had previously got some of her dog’s stem cells saved “just in case something like this happened.”

In the latest episode of her show, Hilton gave her mum the grand reveal of her new pups.

She now has two Chihuahuas who have come from Diamond Baby’s cells. Rather aptly, one is called Diamond and the other Baby.
