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17th Sep 2016

Women have voted on the sexiest parts of a man’s body and the results are very interesting

You don't have to have the perfect body...

Alan Loughnane

The age old question…

Men have constantly lived in the shadow of the fairer sex, it’s something we’ve had to come to terms with, but what exactly do the fairer sex like the look of in us bog standard men?

In a survey of over 1,000 women conducted by Wing Girl Method, they investigated the parts of the male body which women found the most attractive.

The answer was rather vague and broad but it did have one overwhelming conclusion, your penis does not make the list for a single woman in the survey. They serve a purpose but they ain’t attractive.

Things that ranked highly according to Marni Kinrys ranged from a guy’s smile, his chest, his hands, his mind, his arse and his wit.

The main thing they concluded from the survey is that women tend to look deeper than superficial features and will also concentrate on personality, so don’t rely solely on your strong jaw or great hair to win a woman’s heart.


Basically, any part of your body can be attractive to some women so it’s important to work with what you’ve been given, for example, if you’ve good eyes you should make a lot of eye contact.

It’s not that difficult…

Video via AskMen

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