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12th Dec 2024

Expert speaks out as more and more people are identifying as Symbiosexual

Harry Warner

It comes after a study by researchers at the University of Seattle

An expert has spoken out after more and more people have begun identifying as Symbiosexual.

With love triangles being common place in stories throughout history it is no surprise that this emotion has now been matched to a new sexuality as per scientists at the University of Seattle which has been dubbed as symbiosexualism.

The study undertaken by researchers identified that ‘symbiosexual’ people are attracted to the energy between established couples rather than between themselves and one other person.

The Archives of Sexual Behaviour defined the sexuality as “attraction to the energy, multidimensionality, and power shared between people in relationships.”

This study had 373 participants and analysed them based on aspects of their sexual and gender identity uncovering that many of the participants had romantic and sexual attraction to the “synergy” of a third person being added to the relationship.

Dr Sally Johnston, an adjunct professor of anthropology and sociology who conducted the study gave her thoughts on the outcomes.

She said: “We need to rethink the nature of human attraction and desire as only one-to-one experiences.”

She explained that there had been a “lack of recognition and validation for this attraction.”

The expert added that the results “push the boundaries of the concepts of desire and sexual orientation in sexuality studies and challenge the ongoing invisibility and invalidation of and stigma and discrimination against such attractions.”

In an interview with the PsyPost, Dr Johnson explained that she “wanted to learn more about this understudied attraction” after revealing that she was first interested in further study into the field after hearing people talk openly about their feelings towards established couples.

After conducting the study, participants who identified as Sybmbiosexual were interviewed to get a better understanding people’s feelings.

One participant, dubbed ‘Hayden’, said that her attraction to couples was based on “their cohesiveness.”

She added: “You feed off their energy, their attraction to each other…there’s an interplay between the couple.”

Meanwhile a different participant, ‘Sage’ said: “I also just want to be smack in the middle of that relationship. I would also like to be included in this relationship… I really think my ideal dynamic might be myself and a couple.”

