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28th Dec 2017

Viewers couldn’t praise Supersonic highly enough after it aired on TV for the first time

There's another chance to watch it later...

Conor Heneghan

Safe to say the audience was mad for it.

Despite the fact that both Liam and Noel Gallagher are still pursuing pretty successful careers, the public tends to hear more about their long-running feud (and their recent reconciliation) than their music these days.

Which is a pity, because fans of Oasis won’t need much persuading to reflect on the glory years when, for most of the ‘90s and a little bit beyond, the Gallagher brothers were the face of one of the biggest bands on the planet.

Oasis fans got to take a trip down memory lane on Wednesday night when the highly-acclaimed documentary Supersonic aired on UK television for the very first time and left a lasting impact on those who had yet to see it as well as others who had but were keen to relive the experience.

Clip via Entertainment One UK

As well as telling the in-depth tale of how the band came to be, it also features some amazing stories about life on the road, great live footage and, of course, an insight into the often fraught relationships between band members, particularly the Gallagher brothers themselves, and of the Gallaghers’ relationship with their parents.

You can read a more detailed appreciation of the documentary here and read details about a potential sequel here, while below is just a smattering of the praise the documentary received after it aired on Wednesday night.

The good news is, if you can stay awake, it’s on again tonight, or, more precisely, at 0.55am on Friday morning.

