Last week saw the arrival of Saturday Night Live’s version of Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer, via an inspired piece of casting with Melissa McCarthy.
Clearly knowing they were on to a very good thing, McCarthy was asked to return again this week, and this time Spicer is trying to keep his temper under control – “First of all, I’d just like to announce that I’m calm now!”, he roars – but that doesn’t last very long.
Warning the pack of journos not to ask any stupid questions, lest they send him into a rage, the second any of them dare bring up topics such the Muslim Ban or reporting fake terrorist attacks, he explodes (“Don’t F with me!”) and insults them directly (“Stupid hat!”).
Wanting to win the crowd over, he then introduces Trump’s new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, played by SNL alumnus Kate McKinnon who previously knocked it out of the park as Hilary Clinton, who then loses the crowd completely by stating “There’s two types of crime: regular, and black.”
We can’t wait to see what they do with these characters next.
Clip via Saturday Night Live
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