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03rd Oct 2023

New Netflix movie is making people ridiculously anxious from start to finish

Joseph Loftus

Another day, another Netflix flick for your folks on the net

This time we bring to you the nail-biting flick, Nowhere, which is being hailed as a stress inducing masterpiece by viewers across the globe.

In fact, the trailer for Nowhere alone is prompting people to demand Netflix puts a trigger warning on the movie.

One person wrote: “It wasn’t for faint hearted.”

“Watched it yesterday. Stressed me out pretty good. Good stuff,” said another.

A third commented: “A movie has never stressed me out this much.”

Another said: “I honestly would die from a heart attack. No way I survive something like this.”

On Rotten Tomatoes the film is described as a “nail-biting and claustrophobic drama that uses the minimalism of its setting to deliver a massive amount of unease”.

Another review writes: “If you are a fan of thrillers and can only take so many horror elements, then Nowhere is the film for you.”

A third person, in response to the film’s trailer, wrote: “Is this supposed to make me watch the movie? As if i don’t already have uni and exams to stress me out.”

One more wrote: “Everyday life is stressing everyone out, why would one bother watching if it’ll only make it worse.”

Nowhere is available to stream on Netflix now.

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