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21st Jul 2022

Stranger Things star hits back at homophobes

Charlie Herbert

The actor had voiced his support for the Byler fan theory

Stranger Things star Brett Gelman has hit back at “little homophobes” on Twitter after addressing a popular fan theory.

Since the last two episodes of the show’s fourth season were released earlier this month, fans have been discussing Will Byers’ sexuality in the show, and the possibility of a romantic development between him and best friend Mike Wheeler, following one scene in particular in the series.

This has led to the ‘Byler’ theory (Byers + Wheeler), with fans hoping that Will and Mike will develop a romantic connection in the final season. So far, the show has not made any obvious suggestions that Mike is gay, and he is still in a relationship with Eleven of course.

Now, Brett Gelman, who plays Murray Bauman in the show, has had his say on Byler and voiced his support for a romantic development between Mike and Will.

Gelman – who some may also recognise from Fleabag – tweeted: “I am for Byler if Byler is for Byler. If it’s a match then it should be so. I’m not for Byler if Mike isn’t for it because then Will gets hurt.

“And I also don’t want El to have a broken heart. But if Byler is what is meant to be then I ship Byler BIG TIME!!!”

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, ‘shipping’ means supporting a relationship between two characters.

Some fans of the show were clearly annoyed by Gelman’s tweet though, so he had some words for them in a follow-up tweet calling them out.

He wrote: “It’s pretty pathetic that all you little homophobes think calling me gay is an insult. It’s a compliment. So thank you.

“I ship love in whatever form it takes baby. And y’all who don’t. Maybe you’re scared to look at something

Gelman then tweeted in a separate post: “I Stan the LGBTQ+ community.”

He also clarified that he’s all for Eleven and Mike’s relationship “if that’s what’s meant to be.”

“Regardless I hope Will finds love as well as love for himself and who he really is. No one should feel ashamed for who they are and who they love,” he wrote.

Stans and ships across the internet will have to wait until the fifth and final season of Stranger Things to get the answers they’re looking and hoping for.


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