Another day another space rock threatening to end our existence.
A building-sized asteroid heading towards Earth has triggered a planetary defence response for the first time ever.
This newly spotted asteroid reportedly has a 1-in-83 chance of hitting Earth and is suspected to measure up to 100 metres in diameter.
The date of impact is scheduled for the 22 December 2032, almost exactly twenty years after the end of the Mayan calendar (21 December 2012) which led many to believe the world would end at the time.
The asteroid is set to brush so close to earth that it has triggered a global planetary defence response at the European Space Agency (ESA) for the first time in its history.
Richard Moissl at the European Space Agency (ESA) described it as a “historic moment”.
The massive space rock has been given the very catchy name ‘2024 YR4’ and was first detected last month on the 27 December 2024 by a telescope in Chile.
The asteroid now sits at the top of the ESA’s and NASA’s impact risk list with 1.3% chance of hitting Earth.
This risk, combined with its size, puts it as a 3/10 on the Torino Scale which measures the potential damage a space object could do if it collides with Earth.
A three on the scale means “localised destruction” with an impact equivalent to almost eight million tonnes of dynamite, as per NASA figures.
Moissl said: “This particular score has never been assigned to any asteroid.
“Torino Scale 3 gives us a mandate to do things we don’t normally do.”
Further investigations into the asteroid will determine its danger to a more accurate degree.
Moissl has said that a UN-affiliated group called the International Asteroid Warning Network is now working together to study the asteroid’s trajectory.
Meanwhile the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group is researching a proposal on how to defend Earth from such a collision if needs be.
However, as usual, the asteroid is “not cause for concern,” as per Moissl.
Although he added: “Because it is so unusual, it is something to keep a close eye on.”