If the eyes are truly windows to the soul, Ben Affleck’s spirit is most definitely broken.
We really feel for actors and actresses who have to spend hour upon hour promoting their movies via energy-sapping press junkets. It must be tough to seem fresh and enthusiastic after being asked the same question for the 600th time.
It’s probably why so many Hollywood stars seem to go into a kind of autopilot mode, all false smiles and empty platitudes. But very occasionally the mask slips (pun intended) and you see some actual human emotion sneaking out.
Ben Affleck has been busy promoting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice along with co-star Henry Cavill, and the general response to the blockbuster has been less than glowing. In fact many believe we have a turkey on our hands.
Being confronted with the harsh reality of negative criticism obviously had a profound effect on Affleck, judging from his introspective and quite hilarious response to the awful truth…