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04th Feb 2025

QUIZ: Name these 50 Premier League players from the 2000s – #1


Quiz time

Ah, the noughties. Simpler times. When global pandemics weren’t really a thing. When the Premier League was still very much full Barclays.

For our latest quiz, we revisit the Greatest League In The World™ at that time.

We give you the faces of 50 footballers who all played in the Premier League at some point in the 2000s, you tell us who they are from the options provided below each one. Some are very easy, some aren’t.

The FootballJOE Quiz enthusiasts amongst you will probably recognise this format from our Champions League specials, which, if you haven’t already had a go, can be found by clicking here.

Ready? Good. Go:

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50QQ - 2000s Premier League players I got %%score%% of %%total%% right