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26th May 2017

Wigan locals respond to a bomb scare in the most British way imaginable

That's the British way

Rich Cooper

Britons shall never live in terror. Especially not if it’s sunny outside.

The people of Wigan showed they weren’t afraid when police closed roads and evacuated a number of homes as the bomb squad were called to a house near the Cherry Gardens pub.

Did the people cower in fear? Did they lose their resolve? Did they balls. They went to the pub and had a few jars in the sun.

And if they weren’t in the pub, they were looking on with a few tinnies.

Police said they found “potentially suspicious items” at the raided house. After approximately three hours, residents were allowed to return to their homes safely.

Makes you proud to be British, doesn’t it? In the face terror, we have a nice cold pint and wait for all of this to blow over. Wigan, you’ve done us proud.

