If you missed the BBC General Election TV debate, don’t worry.
David Cameron and Nick Clegg didn’t even bother turning up either.
Basically Farage kicked off about immigration, then turned on the audience, Miliband gave the most erotic look imaginable and the women of The Green Party, SNP and Plaid Cymru won the day. Again.
Anyway, for the benefit of Cameron, Clegg and you lovely lot, JOE has distilled the one-and-a-half-hour debate marathon down into some pithy tweets.
Don’t mention it!
Twitter imagined Cameron and Clegg snuggling up on the sofa to watch the action…
‘Great election debate, David’ #BBCDebate pic.twitter.com/KxsrMsgIr2
— Orlando Mowbray (@OllieMow) April 16, 2015
But actually Clegg was in the pub getting lagered up…
Enjoyed my time on the doorstep this afternoon in Ecclesall but canvassing in the Devonshire Arms is even better! pic.twitter.com/fRAMhy2Pfu
— Nick Clegg (@nick_clegg) April 16, 2015
Everyone was wondering where Davey was. Not even a tweet to let us know…
#wheresdave has started to pick up steam #bbcdebate pic.twitter.com/NrL3Ye5Vcj
— BBC Trending (@BBCtrending) April 16, 2015
With not a peep from the PM, Twitter tried its best to explain his absence from the TV debates…
Dave’s on the phone. #BBCDebate #WheresDave pic.twitter.com/ePMpLQfqVP
— #sketchaganda50 (@sketchaganda) April 16, 2015
Oh there he is!!!
Pretend Cameron hasn’t chickened out of #BBCDebate by sticking a picture of him by the side of the telly. pic.twitter.com/bxACgQEKIv
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) April 16, 2015
Meanwhile, at BBC TV HQ the debates were hotting up. Literally. Miliband looked very aroused…
— DIMBLEBOT (@DIMBLEBOT) April 16, 2015
Leanne Wood of Plaid Cymru had this to say…
#BBCDebate Plaid Cymru’s one big message for the English people pic.twitter.com/guuydzEaaD
— Ian Brown (@Real_Ian_Brown) April 16, 2015
Nigel Farage made himself even more popular with the studio audience…
The tactic didn’t appear to win hearts and minds on Twitter…
Give Nigel the pearl handled service revolver now someone..
— Stuart Maconie (@StuartMaconie) April 16, 2015
At least he didn’t do his malfunctioning Crazy Frog routine again…
Green Party leader Natalie Bennett certainly wasn’t mincing her words here… full-on b*llocking Ed Miliband…
But he goes all hardman Ed-the-ball as the debate came to a close and ‘offered Cameron out’ man to man…
Ed Miliband’s closing statement: ‘Debate me, one on one’ http://t.co/A8hyRj7CDh #BBCdebate pic.twitter.com/HWQFAvNkmx
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) April 16, 2015
But then he turned from tough guy into the creepy dad who just hangs around the teenage slumber party…
Ed Miliband was left out of this group hug at end of #BBCDebate http://t.co/jsd8Jb1lYA pic.twitter.com/OwVLU7dVJy
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) April 16, 2015
Anyway, someone better check if this guy’s still there…
Somewhere in Belfast, the leader of the DUP has been locked in a broom cupboard and everyone’s gone home. #BBCDebate pic.twitter.com/mTuAXPtoUB
— BuzzFeed UK Politics (@BuzzFeedUKPol) April 16, 2015
If you REALLY want more, here’s five minutes of ‘highlights’. Five whole minutes…