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23rd Sep 2024

The moment police robot tear-gasses man and runs him over

Zoe Hodges

The robots are fighting back!

Footage has emerged of a man getting tear-gassed and run over by a police robot.

Felix Delarosa, 39, had barricaded himself inside Lubbock Days Inn in Texas and was in a stand off with police when the incident occurred.

KCBD reported that Delarosa was holding what looked like a Bible and could be seen through a broken window inside the room speaking on the phone.

There was a warrant out for his arrest for another incident and as police attempted to make contact, he shot at them.

Cops called the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team, whose negotiators were also met with gunfire.

Despite efforts to convince Delarosa to peacefully surrender, he continued to fire at officers and a sniper shot Delarosa.

Officials then deployed the Lubbock Regional Bomb Squad Robot to the room.

The video, recorded by KCBD, shows the robot approaching before Delarosa throws a blanket over it.

The robot then goes to the window and moves the sheet enough to spray tear gas into the room.

Delarosa then climbs out the window clutching his face in agony. He stays on his hands and knees as the robot moves closer, climbing on top of Delarosa’s legs and body.

The charges against him were not immediately known and the incident is under investigation by the Texas Rangers.

The Sheriff’s deputy who returned fire is on paid administrative leave, in accordance with the agency’s policies.

Machines deployed by other police departments across the US have received heavy criticism in the past.

The New York Police Department was forced to suspend its ‘Black Mirror’ robot dogs after residents claimed they only patrolled neighbourhoods occupied by people of colour.

The robots have since returned to the police department’s toolkit.


Robots,US Police