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28th Sep 2015

Supermoon reaction; the big, the beautiful, the brilliant

Lia Nicholls

The nation hasn’t been this excited since, erm, last week when allegations of our Prime Minister and a pig surfaced.

But as it turns out a rare celestial event of not just a supermoon, but a super blood moon, is also enough to wet our whistles.

Nasa have been building up the event for a while, exciting us with the science behind it all: ‘a supermoon occurs when the Moon is in the closest part of its orbit to Earth, meaning it appears larger in the sky’.

The gorgeous geeks even invited us to join their live streaming…

As the facts kept coming, how the last was in 1982 with the next not until 2033, we decided that’s it, we’re strapping ourselves in to our astronaut suits and streaming Nasa.

Maybe you set an alarm for 3am, added another bottle of wine to the evening and stuck on NFL to pass the time only to fall into a plonk-induced coma at 2am and slept through the whole thing. No? Not that daft? Just me then.

But many bright sparks did capture the event, from the big

To the beautiful –

And the brilliant –

Even Katy Perry was impressed/possessed…