Until now, Netflix users in the UK were stuck with a limited selection of TV and movies, compared to the US market, for example. But all this could be about to change.
The streaming service was facing a losing battle to try and stop frustrated viewers using a VPN proxy to access content not available in their regions, but it appears that they have found a solution: Break down the international licensing barriers and make proxy tomfoolery pointless.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
This is great news for UK subscribers wanting to binge watch The West Wing, or US ones hoping to get Breaking Bad.
CEO Reed Hastings confirmed that universal content is the company’s main aim.
That, and tacking piracy.
He recognised that people are willing to pay the subscription fee, and are only being driven to use international workarounds to access the content they want.
“The basic solution is for Netflix to get global and have its content be the same all around the world so there’s no incentive to [use a VPN],” he explained. “Then we can work on the more important part which is piracy.
Image: Netflix