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30th Apr 2018

Fan gets huge tattoo of Nicki Minaj and it’s actually pretty good

Will Lavin

There’s being a fan and then there’s being a fan.

Followed by more than 86 million people on Instagram, it’s fair to say that Nicki Minaj has a lot of fans. But how many of those fans would go through literal pain to prove their love for the superstar?

Posting a video on her Instagram, Nicki Minaj saluted the skills of tattoo artist Harry Weiss, who in the video was tattooing a portrait of Nicki’s face on the back of a super fan.

Telling Harry that she wants to meet the fan, Nicki asked for her love to be passed on and that she’s got free tickets to any date on her tour whenever she wants them.

Addressing Harry, Nicki also added:

“You’re dope. I’m getting a new tat. You Wanna do it?”

I’m sure you’ll agree the tattoo is indeed dope.

Would you get your favourite artist tattooed on you? If not, how far would you go to show your love?